Sunday, May 8, 2011

To blog or not to blog, that is the question

 To blog or not to blog, that is the question: since I already have a blog before but never update a post. But after a few thoughts, I think I want to blogging again, this time I'm really sure (sight). I’m currently working as a writer and enjoying it very much. Meeting a lot of people with a different personality, makes my working is fun. I love to do anything creative, I like trying new things. I love making something beautiful out of nothing. I love looking at something and seeing possibilities. So, this blog is going to be a spot for me to give a bit insight into what goes on in the life of a writer (also a wife & a mother) and where I share about my passion for all things creative. I was born to do this, some people can dance, I can write. I believe you can go to school to learn it, but for some it’s genetics that play a larger role and for me writing is hard-wired into my DNA. I hope you enjoy this blog, thanks for visiting and feel free to comment, i love it! Contact me at  ♥♥ 

Satisfy your creative craving and indulge your taste for the finer things in life!