Monday, February 27, 2012

Ultimate Brownie's Recipe!

I bet you, this is the ultimate brownie recipe ever! Sesuailah dengan namanya; Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie & Oreo Fudge Brownie Bar. Hurm, dengar nama pun dah menggetarkan selera dan mengecurkan air liur kan?  Hehehe...tentulah, boleh dikatakan brownie ni 3 in 1, ada kombinasi cookie, Oreo & brownie ... superb!

Sebenarnya dah lama nak try recipe brownie yang menggunakan Oreo (memandangkan aku dan Zafran memang suka sangat makan Oreo, meskipun Zafran makan filling je). First tengok recipe di Annie's Eat, dah berkobar-kobar nak buat tapi tak terlaksana jugak. Then, last Friday tertengok recipe Sis Rima Bisous A Toi tentang recipe brownie ni. So, apalagi ... lunch hour terus bergegas ke Jaya Grocer, Empire Subang Gallery mencari bahan-bahan.

Operasi bermula setelah selesai sarapan di pagi Ahad. Recipe asal adapted dari Kevin & Amanda. Tapi aku kurangkan sukatan untuk adunan bagi bekas 8x8", sesuai dengan bilangan isi rumah iaitu aku, Zafran & hubby, dan sudah tentu akulah yang akan paling banyak makan brownie ni.

Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie & Oreo Fudge Brownie Bar

½ cup butter softened
½ cup granulated sugar
cup light brown sugar
1 large eggs
½ Tbsp pure vanilla extract
1¼ cups all purpose flour
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
1 cup milk chocolate chips
1 pkg Oreo
Small size Brownie mix (I used Duncan's Hines)

Sukatan bahan-bahan adalah separuh dari sukatan asal yang aku buat perkiraan sendiri but the cookie dough seems good. Baiklah...setelah memastikan bahan-bahan sudah mencukupi, barulah boleh memulakan operasi dengan Sous Chef yang sedia menemani ...hehehe, siapa lagi kalo bukan Zafran.

Preheat oven to 180˚C. Cream the butter & both sugars with an electric mixer on medium speed for 3-5 minutes. Add eggs and vanilla and mix well to thoroughly combine. In separate bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda & salt, then slowly incorporate into the mixer until the flour is just combined. Stir in chocolate chips. Spread the cookie dough in the bottom of 8x8 square foil that been greased with butter.

Top with a layer of Oreos. I should buy Double Stuffed Oreo!

Mix together brownie mix, see box for instructions (for home-made brownie recipe you can refer here). Pour the brownie batter over the cookie dough and Oreos.

Cover with foil and bake for 30 minutes. Remove foil and continue baking for additional 15-25 minutes. Let cool completely before serving. Enjoy!

Double decker Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie & Oreo Fudge Brownie Bar with Icecream. Menurut hubby, dari aspek kesedapan jika diukur mengikut skala 1 hingga 10, maka 8 adalah markah yang paling tepat ...well, at least he like it. It would be nice if serve with Salted Caramel Sauce, malangnya bahan-bahan tak mencukupi. Now, I wish I have a pantry like Nigella!

Ini khas buat Zafran, tapi dia tak makan pun, sibuk melayan DVD Little Einstein. Instead he's sharing with me sebabnya dia tak suka icecream chocolate tu. Sorry dear!

Yup, double stuffed Oreos will be awesome, double the joy!

Okay, one pack for us, another one for Zafran's babysitter. Walaupun buat dalam acuan 8x8" tapi bila dipotong dalam mini bite-sized square, banyak juga yang dapat. Lagipun, brownie ni agak tebal, makan sepotong pun agak mengenyangkan.

Anda mahu cookies? Anda mahu Oreos? Anda mahu brownies? So, you should try this recipe. I will make this recipe again later, but I will use the express way. The secrets: buy chocolate chip cookie mix, Oreo & brownie mix. Voila, instant indulgence and delicious treat for me!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Dinner for Three!

Sometimes, it's quiet challenging to think of dinner menu. Especially for three of us. My hubby more to Malay cuisine while me and Zafran have a similar taste which is, we eat anything delicious and easily prepared. So, no problem for us, but not for hubby. 

The only spaghetti that hubby's eat is Spaghetti Aglio Olio version, it's such a relief, which can be listed in our dinner menu... hehehe. So, the dinner menu are; Spaghetti Aglio Olio with Seafood & Mushroom as the main course. Followed by Chocolate Chip Bread Pudding for dessert and Crispy Lamb Chops for my supper. Seems really heavy, but it for weekend's night, these menus should be alright.

I think everybody knows how to make Spaghetti Aglio Olio. You can go to here for recipe, except for this version I'm adding in salmon and replace tomatoes with brown mushroom.

If you are a bread and butter pudding lover, perhaps you would like to try out this Nigella's recipe

Original recipe as below:

Serves: 4-6

You will need: A greased ovenproof dish approximately 23cm dia x 6cm deep (1.5 litre capacity)

250g stale bread cut into large cubes, 25g chocolate chips, 3 eggs, 40g light brown sugar, 2 x 15ml tablespoons dark rum (I omit this), 125ml double cream, 500ml semi-skimmed milk, 4 teaspoons demerara sugar (I used white sugar).

1. Preheat the oven to 170°C/Gas 3. Put the bread cubes into the dish and mix in the chocolate chips.
2. Whisk together the eggs, light brown sugar, rum, double cream and the milk. Pour the mixture over the bread, press the bread cubes down into the liquid.
3. Leave to soak for 20 minutes or so, then sprinkle with the demerara sugar, put into the oven for 50 minutes.
4. Leave to cool down for 10 minutes or so before serving.

For Crispy Lamb Chop recipe, you can click on the link below (am to lazy to type it ... hehe, anyway no changes at all).

For recipe go here:
I desperately need to finish my reading of Julie Julia book by this weekend.  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Happy 7th Anniversary To US!

Happy anniversary to me and hubby, I love you so much hubby! It's our 7th LOVE anniversary, not our wedding anniversary ... hehehe. Coincidentally 14th February is our love declaration's day, tetapi tak bermakna aku menyambut Valentine's Day okay!

So, for our special day, I decided to prepare a special dinner for me, hubby and of course untuk Zafran sekali. The special main course menu is Red Snapper with Sweet & Sour Shredded Salad, yang diinspirasikan dari resipi Nigella. Resipinya boleh dilihat di

Here are sneak peek of our dinner that night:

Lovey dovey is the theme as love is always in the air.

Zafran's plate. Mama love Zafran.
Zafran with his new haircut.

Selepas selesai makan malam, to "pick us up", presenting the Tiramisu for our dessert. Resipi kali ini aku adapatasikan dari resipi Tiramisu Su Chan, di dalam buku Su Chan Cake Temptations and Other Desserts. Well, Tiramisu memang kegemaran hubby since first trial sewaktu Fizella's Kitchen buat pertama kalinya membuat majlis makan bersama teman-teman rapat. Dan sudah tentu mendapat pujian dari hubby, hehehe.

Bagi yang ingin mencuba, resipinya adalah seperti berikut. 

• Kacang walnut berkaramel (resipi di bawah)
• Krim putar   300 ml, diputar
• Sos strawberi  10 ml

• Keju krim       300 g
• Gula kastor     100 g
• Kuning telur    3 biji   
• Krim pekat      250 ml, diputar
• Coklat             100 g, diparut

• Serbuk kopi segera   1½ sudu besar
• Air                            300 ml, panas
• Gula kastor               1 sudu besar

• Untuk membuat inti, pukul keju krim dan gula di dalam mangkuk adunan sehingga ringan dan masukkan kuning telur sebiji demi sebiji. Kaup balikkan krim putar.
• Untuk membuat sirap kopi, larutkan serbuk kopi sedera dan gula di dalam air. Sejukkan dan ketepikan.
• Rendamkan ladyfingers dengan sirap kopi. Letakkan ia ke dalam acuan berukuran 22.5 cm (9 inci). Tuangkan inti ke atasnya. Taburkan parutan coklat dan tuang inti lagi.
• Letakkan lapisan ladyfingers yang satu lagi. Ulangi proses meletakkan inti.
• Simpan di dalam peti sejuk semalaman atau sekurang-kurangnya selama 6 jam dan biarkan kek mengeras.
• Keluarkan kek dan letakkan kacang walnut berkaramel. Potong dan hidang sejuk dengan sos strawberi.

Kacang Walnut Berkaramel

Kacang walnut
Gula kastor

Didihkan gula sehingga menjadi karamel dan masukkan kacang walnut sehingga disalut rata. Tuangkan kacang walnut ke dalam dulang leper untuk mengeras dan menjadi sejuk. Hancurkan kacang walnut menjadi beberapa kepingan apabila sudah sejuk.

Nota penting:
Hanya letakkan Kacang Walnut Berkaramel bila anda mahu menghidangkan Tiramisu. Kalau tidak, ia akan menjadi cair, seperti Tiramisu di atas (excited sangat, sampai tak baca resipi properly)

Dan untuk supper pula, sebenarnya supper untuk aku je, hahaha ... Australian Shepherd's Pie. Resipi ni adalah dari Chef Zam, resipi yang patut dicuba! Memang best, apatah lagi aku menggunakan daging kambing, terbaik! Selamat mencuba!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Chocolate Craze

Mmm ... dah lama tak update blog ni, tak berkesempatan untuk update post memandangkan laptop meragam je. So, kenalah mengumpul dana untuk membeli laptop yang baru plak, chayo ... chayo! Meskipun laptop bermasalah, namun dapur tetap berasap. My love affair with kitchen will never stop!

Tidak dinafikan ramai yang menggemari coklat termasuklah aku. Tetapi aku hanya sukakan coklat bila diubah menjadi hidangan dessert mahupun kek. Sebenarnya dah lama nak mencuba resipi Nigella ni, tetapi asyik ditangguhkan disebabkan susah sangat nak jumpa mini white marshmallow. Resipi ini boleh dicuba kerana sangat mudah, cepat dan lazat, a chocolaty heaven in a cup ... hehehe. Presenting to you: Instant Chocolate Mousse

Ya ... sebahagiannya sudah dimakan.
Resipi ini diadaptasi dari resipi di Bagi yang ingin mencuba, bahan-bahannya adalah:
  • 150g mini marshmallows
  • 50g soft butter
  • 250g good dark chocolate (minimum 70% cocoa solids), chopped into small pieces
  • 60ml hot water from a recently boiled kettle
  • 1 x 284ml tub double cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Put the marshmallows, butter, chocolate and water in a heavy-based saucepan. Put the saucepan on the hob, over heat, though keep it fairly gentle, to melt the contents, stirring every now and again. Remove from the heat. Meanwhile, whip the cream with the vanilla extract until thick, and then fold into the cooling chocolate mixture until you have a smooth, cohesive mixture. Pour or scrape into 4 glasses or ramekins, about 175ml each in capacity, or 6 smaller (125ml) ones, and chill until you want to eat. The sooner the better!

Yup, the sooner the better! Tengoklah gelagat si Zafran disebabkan mamanya sibuk nak amik gambar tapi tak suapkan Chocolate Mousse untuknya. Seperti yang Nigella katakan, chocaliciously gorgeous.

Resipi ini jugak dah lama nak mencuba, tetapi disebabkan tak tau kat mana nak cari pear di dalam tin, but finally jumpa jugak di Cold Storage so apalagi terus je la buat Chocolate Pear Pudding resipi dari Nigella ni. Ini adalah antara resipi dessert yang paling senang dibuat tetapi hasilnya sangat yummylicious. Resipi adalah seperti berikut, yang boleh dilihat di juga.

Bahan-bahan :
  • 2 x 415g cans pear halves in juice (aku gunakan pear in syrup)
  • 125g plain flour
  • 25g cocoa powder
  • 125g caster sugar
  • 150g soft butter, plus extra for greasing
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Preheat the oven to 200°C and grease a 22cm square ovenproof dish with butter. (I use round dish). Drain the pears and arrange them on the base of the dish. Put all the remaining ingredients in a food processor and blitz until you have a batter with a soft dropping consistency. Spread the brown batter over the pears, and bake in the oven for 30 minutes. Let stand out of the oven for 5 or 10 minutes and serve with hot chocolate sauce.

Cake from the top
Yummy and spongy chocolate cake.
Mengikut cadangan Nigella, Chocolate Pear Pudding ini juga boleh dimakan dengan aiskrim vanila sekiranya anda malas hendak membuat Hot Chocolate Sauce. Resipi Hot Chocolate Sauce adalah seperti berikut:
  • 75g dark chocolate, 70% cocoa solids
  • 125ml double cream
  • 2 x 15ml tablespoons coffee dissolved in 2 tablespoons water
  • 1 x 15ml tablespoon golden syrup
Break up the chocolate and put into a heavy-based saucepan. Add the remaining ingredients, then place the pan over a gentle heat and let everything melt together. Once everything has melted, stir well, take off the heat and pour into a jug to serve.

Drooling? Then, you guys should try these recipes ASAP!